【同义词辨析】 2019-07-09 油滑fulsome-oily

fulsome: implies something which is essentially good has been carried to an excessive and offensive degree: the ~ flattery of a celebrity interviewer.

oily: implies an offensively ingratiating quality and sometimes suggests a suavity or benevolence or kindliness that masks a sinister or dubious intent: ~ land developers trying to persuade older residents to sell. ingratiating讨人喜欢,让人对自己有好感applies to a person trying to make others like him or her常有贬义,如ingratiating smile讨好的笑容,来自词根GRAT表示喜欢to please, welcome, agree)  suave圆滑练达,指不得罪人的能力

unctuous: implies the hypocritical adoption of a grave, devout, or spiritual manner: the ~ pleading of the First Amendment by pornographers.   未必是表现得严肃虔诚精神高尚,因此grave,devout和spiritual都不要翻译

oleaginous: may be used in place of oily to suggest pomposity or to convey a mocking tone: an ~ host fawning over the female guests.  pompous自负自命不凡、说话做事虚华浮夸,如使用正式繁长的词语implies conceit especially by using long and formal words, 如a pompous politician/remark自命不凡言辞浮夸的政客/言论)   mock嘲笑,比ridicule和deride语气更重

fulsome过分恭维: 表示过度称赞,让人反感,oily油滑: 形容表面上圆滑友善讨喜,实际阴险可疑,unctuous虚情假意: 形容虚伪地表现出礼貌友好的样子,oleaginous油滑奉承: 和oily一样表示油滑讽刺自命不凡言辞浮夸的样子

记忆方法: 1)首字母FOUO想成O UFO圆形飞碟<==油滑

         2)油滑的意思是明显的夸张讨好不真诚mean too obviously extravagant or ingratiating to be accepted as genuine or sincere.